Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The cold calculations of an emotionless heart (#1433)

There is no one being that exists in the fullness of a cold calculating emotionless heart, but there are those who live in that state far too much without connecting the fact that they are human. They have somehow devised a reality around them that elevates them above humanity and which I refer to as being a demigod without the emotion. A cold calculating being who thinks that by their misguided virtue, they are somehow advancing our society in the most efficient way. As if the actual experiences of those who have to live with the outcome of their ill-devised policies are better off for it. An awkward understanding if you are the one who feels the very real effect that denies basic necessities as a gift from them. No doubt in their own lives they see themselves as compassionate and caring to a fault, however the disconnect, the real implications are non-sequiturs. Giving of oneself to those close to one, is not the same as taking from another as a means to help them. There are complexities in this world that are not easily placed in a policy that effects millions. No, as a solution, cannot be the right one for so many without hope. The loss of humanity by those who claim to defend the principles of humanity is the most absurd logic ever thrust upon people dependent upon their leaders to protect and defend them. A maternal/paternalistic approach to leadership is logic without wisdom. Teaching and guiding those who need it to understand the values and knowledge necessary for proper functioning within an advancing society is much more needed than someone(s) trying to tell their charges how to think and when to think it.

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