Thursday, November 7, 2013

Keeping our love above our hate (#1742)

This is one touchy subject for so many folks. It seems that hate is regarded as at least an equal or greater than love for way too many people. I can only guess that it comes from frustration at not being able to control others the way we would like to. Which begs the question, what the heck are we doing trying to control others? As much as we hate to be controlled cannot we also see that others wish no one to control them as well? Regardless of reason however is the idea that hate has a place within our hierarchy of opinions. Now the hate is not usually manifested in a frothing rage of pitchforks and bonfires, but it is still allowed to exist in a subtle display of attitudes and actions. We have learned to be civilized haters and for that we are truly damned. There is not much worse that someone who pretends to be acceptable to new paradigms all the while plotting the demise of the same. I would much rather express my dislike through debate and then let the facts flush out the idea. I am a thinking man who doesn't follow the logic of others as my only source for conclusions. I have my own life experiences and where I need to find more technical detail I go to other proven sources. The key word here is proven. Proofs are the end result of logical equations that help us verify facts. If we spent more time in the honest rigor of understanding and less time in the arena of subjective bombast we would find that hate has no place in our opinions or our vision for the future. 

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