Friday, November 1, 2013

Slow out of the gate today (#1736)

I am not feeling too well today for some reason and because of that my mind has not been in the mood for stringing letters together into words that make any sense. However I got a bit more rest and now I feel like I have an adrenaline rush. lol. As most of you know I write this blog post everyday and trying to keep it somewhat interesting every day is not easy. However life does usually give me something to rant or rave about but not today. I just feel empty inside for some reason like I said so I must be coming down with some physical ailment that is sapping me of my usual vigor for posting. It is much later in the morning than normal for me to still be writing this which goes to show my procrastination based upon lack of subject matter and lack of energy. But persevere I am and although a subject hasn't crystallized yet the fact that I am late out of the gate might have to do. Each morning I feel my usual sense of urgency to get started on my average 250 to 300 words daily so that I get er done before my morning gets into gear. I like the quiet time in the early morning and my mind is still fresh from awakening. The quiet time and the fresh mind are the key factors in me getting down on record my daily thoughts for this blog. Having lost both of those this early morning but getting another little go with a nap will have to be enough for me to entertain anyone left who may stumble across my musings. Anyway, I am about at the limit for my post and I haven't said anything of any importance so good for me saying nothing when I really have nothing to say. lol.

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