Monday, December 9, 2013

Compassion trumps hate (#1774)

Although the war between hate and compassion is far from over, the destiny of compassion overcoming hate is getting nearer. How do I know? Because we are an inquisitive species and the more we learn and then know about ourselves the closer we get to accepting each other for who we are. What fuels hatred is ignorance and ignorance is being combated in every corner. That we have to battle to eliminate ignorance is where the fight is being waged, not just in the actions/inaction by our foes but in the idea spectrum as well. There are too many who see life not as a compassionate/curious thing but as an existence where we could and should dominate each other. They have somehow come upon the mantra that privilege and self deserving is greater than respect. It behooves them to stifle intelligence and logic in order to maintain a superiority over those who they seek to dominate. Showing them that you can reason, analyze and conclude on your own makes them want to minimize you so that you do not become an example for others to follow. Anyone who has given of themselves to learn and understand complexities in life are marginalized as outsiders who have lost their way from the true path of life. The hate crowd does not believe in equality, community or enlightened thinking. They have but one sole purpose, to luxuriate themselves beyond all their own imaginings while having servants and subordinates around to grant their every wish. The haters are the demigods who see the grabbing of the brass ring as the proof that no one else deserves what they deserve so equality will never and should never be allowed.

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