Friday, December 6, 2013

Political trolls and their need to disrupt logic (#1771)

This is a subject I feel a need to address because it is about how I try to be a part of our world. I am on a couple of Facebook pages that have a conservative/liberal debate format to them. yet not so much debate as conservatives trying to deny or blame everyone else for their perceived harms. It gets to the point where offering objective information is overrun with opinion and assumption as a response. That is not how debate works by the way. Debate is the offering of facts and conclusions based upon research that is validated and verifiable. Not just some political pundits opinion based upon his philosophical outlook. Just because someone has a platform such as radio or television to give their opinions on the issues of the day does not make their information valid or correct. Debate is unique in that it allows for research to delve into issues with a sense of grounding that leads the discussion where it naturally should go and not where someone tries to manipulate it. What I have found in my limited conversations on these political pages is little information coming from the conservatives, albeit a little is still something, while as a progressive liberal offering much in the way of factual information for them to digest and either accept or offer rebuttal. What I get instead is either a total ignoring of my point or some diversion from what the fact of the point relates. I am often reminded of the "throwing pearls at swine" biblical metaphor. It has been quite sometime since I have been able to debate a conservative who truly can defend conservatism in it's current form. Maybe that is the point, conservatism in it's current form cannot be defended so other means of distraction and obfuscation are employed instead of the natural understanding of a losing position.

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