Thursday, October 9, 2014

Protecting the vision of our forefathers/mothers (#2078)

I have a duty as an American citizen to protect our great democracy from all threats, both foreign and domestic. I am not some official agent of the state, I am just a citizen who admires and respects our democracy. "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." is the preamble to our Constitution and worthy of the intent of why we were founded as a country. This is what I fight for everyday because some of our less patriotic citizenry would have our democracy become a privilege for some and a burden for others. That is not promoting the general welfare nor establishing justice. Regardless, these powerful wealthy forces of special interests groups and individuals would like to take our democracy and parse it to themselves while leaving the rest of us to do their bidding. Do we want to have to ask these powerful forces for a "by your leave" every time we want to exercise our liberty? We are coming to a point in our politics where the very real choice is coming to a decision. Our right to vote is being challenged by these powerful wealthy forces and if we are not ready to repel them this election, more of us will lose their right to vote. It will come down to only those who pledge allegiance to corporate control and survival of the fittest mentalities who will have the privilege to vote. Our democracy is being assailed through force by anti-democratic ideologies that have infiltrated our judicial and political structures. Our current Supreme Court is less beholden to democracy then they are to their own definition of corporate and religious principles. Our Congress is not yet in majorities in both houses under Republicans but that could happen this election cycle. The only office that is now standing for sure after November 4th in opposition to the dissolution of our democracy is our Democratic President. So it is left up to us, the remaining eligible voters, to turn back the anti democracy forces and re-establish the vision of our fore parents.    

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