Friday, October 17, 2014

Warning! Life should be easier than this! (#2086)

I know I spend too much of my time on stuff that shouldn't be a controversy. Living better lives should be something we all strive for, not have to battle just to maintain it. If I am not fighting to make some non-controversial policy better, I am fighting to keep some non-controversial policy from being taken away. Fighting the battle on both ends of my life doesn't say much about the efficacy of our current polity. Instead of enjoying our lives within reasonableness and logic, we are instead having to justify reasonableness and logic on the most basic level. It is mind numbing that a great nation like ours is so inept at practicing our democracy against forces that would undermine that democracy, are in real play. Mind numbing is the word and the physical effect of a transition from democracy to some form of plutocracy would reduce liberty and justice to a wealthy and privileged few. It will come about if a majority of we the people continue to ignore our duty and responsibility to engage in our own governance. The warnings have been issued and the evidence is as clear as a summer day. yet the priority of the warnings and evidence doesn't seem to be enough to muster action on behalf of most of us. We continue to wander through our days with a cavalier attitude that everything will be alright whether we pay attention or not. This isn't like that at all! Maybe in the past when politicians were more concerned about preserving our democracy than they were anything else, but now a mindset is prevalent within the Republican party that the masses are not to be equated with the wealthy and the wealthy are the only ones worthy of power and privilege. The time for turning back this ugly anti-democratic mindset is now and if we don't steel our spines and reject the Republican party's attempts to dismantle democracy we will lose our right to be part of the making of our own destiny.

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