Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Actions or inactions have consequences (#2111)

Consequences are the result of choices either right or wrong. Personally I would rather make the right choice and face those consequences than make the wrong choice and be left with the damaging consequences that brings about. Regardless though, consequences of our actions will surely follow. I know some who think that they can take a stance of meanness and still expect kindness from those affected. It is a sort of disassociation that seems prevalent in our society today. Well I for one will not reward ignorance nor meanness with kindness. I will instead give ignorance an ignoring. I will give meanness the shame and shunning it deserves. For those who are unwilling to take a stand when injustice is being perpetrated, they get the same response from me that those who are perpetrating the injustice will get. There is no escaping our duty to do right, not ignorance nor ambivalence. Especially when the duty to do right is being overrun by the willingness to do or allow harm. I have no mercy for those who are only greedily desperate for themselves without a cause or concern for the harm they are doing to others. As I live and breathe I will never condone the shirking of the valor and courage sacrificed in the name of our society. For those who have a by your leave attitude or an attitude of disdain toward honor I will hold only contempt and have no further dealings in the daily matters of life. There is a price to pay for being selfish and uncaring, and I for one will honor that price. No more will there be a forgiveness for strategies aimed at harm nor a forgiveness for beliefs that cloak fear instead of courage. I live in a society today that is more afraid of what could be and is unwilling to change from the known harms that currently plague us. There is no honor there, none, just fear and or selfishness masquerading as righteousness.

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