Sunday, November 9, 2014

Constitutional crisis, voter suppression (#2109)

As unbelievable as it sounds it is now happening. We have a conservative majority Supreme Court who are not above undermining the one principle Democracy needs to have to be legitimate, our unfettered right as citizens to vote. It is a national shame for us that we promote ourselves abroad as a nation of equality and liberty while inside our borders we deny less affluent citizens of their right to vote through not so clever poll taxes. A national shame! But shaming is not a persuasive enough argument for the Republican party and it's adherents. They look at being shamed as just an acceptable cost of procuring their ability to stay in power. They see an erosion of democracy as nothing more than an ends to a mean, which is their survival of the fittest philosophy. I know I am ashamed of calling myself a defender of democracy while the actual democracy I am defending here in America is being compromised. It is a catch 22 in the sense that being proud of my nations previous accomplishments is being contrasted with the shame I am experiencing with our nations current drive to deny democracy to many of our citizenry. This is all being done under the cloud of intentional rhetorical confusion and racial animosity. A great awakening will be needed to wake up our electorate to this attack from within as we are not there yet given the voter apathy experienced in the just concluded election. With 2/3rds of our citizenry not even bothering to vote we have become a nation suffering from a lack of will to lead our own lives through a duty to have a voice in it. We are allowing anti-democratic forces to infect our democracy to not only weaken it but to reshape it to their benefit. We cannot trust the last bastion of defense for our equality, liberty and justice to our nations highest court as the majority conservatives on it have lost any semblance of honor and pride in being objective arbiters.

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