Sunday, November 16, 2014

Aspire to be great women and men (#2116)

My whole life has been because of this genesis. Never have I stopped from trying to be better than I was the moment before. With my aspiration comes the realization that I have never fully measured up and for those moments I have had my fill and then some. But, regardless of that disappointing reality, I persist in working to improve myself. I don't even consciously think about it much anymore. I automatically default to my aspirations. A sort of cruise control that when the temptation of selfish opportunities appears I cautiously pause. Once reflected upon I then dismiss the temptation as just another sign of my own weakness and the  distance I must continue to travel. When they say it is not so much about the destination as it is about the journey, they would be correct. My life is defined by  the choices I make, right or wrong. If I am ill informed then I will surely make too many wrong choices in my life, regardless of my  honest intent. So my aspirations are fueled by my knowledge and understanding of that knowledge to it's purpose. I have a duty to myself to be objective. It is a demand I do not place lightly upon myself. It is how I gauge the inner respect for myself which leads me to my own humility. There is so much peace and perfection in humility and it is a happiness I seek with all my being. I don't need adulation nor to validate my existence. I have risen above such immature and fearful thinking so that as a being in existence, I can focus on the next good thing I need to accomplish. Metaphorically, I am often on the road of life by myself accountable only to me. As such I am quite serene in the thought that as a living existence of more than no value, an example I must be to any and all who may ever may take notice of who I am and what I do. Not an aspiration for vain glory but for my own internal happiness and any good to others that may come of it.

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