Friday, October 16, 2015

The ability to see comprehensively (#2450)

The complexity of a comprehensive viewpoint is not something one can buy or steal. It is only self actualized through the hard work of personal learning. We must all make an attempt to improve our lives through learning and understanding facts and truths. You cannot just sit back and take in what others are saying at face value without vetting their reasoning or their intent. There is no escaping what is needed to learn properly. No shortcuts. It is okay to spend some time becoming informed as I have learned about the women I allow in my life. They are far more attractive and valued when they can actually participate in a complex conversation with opinions and theories rooted in logic and possibilities. This is what life is supposed to be like for all of us. A playground of shared ideas and possibilities. We only get there with an effort on our part. No cheating lying or stealing will make anyone an ounce smarter. The beauty of self motivation to learn is that your mind becomes more focused on all things around you. Every action and sensation has a new purpose and meaning. It is a lot like awakening to a fresh perspective that you never knew you could or would have. This existence has no boundaries when it comes to our ambitions. We may not be able to gather what we need overnight to acquire a more enlightened perspective but we can over time get there with due diligence. I take nothing for granted and question everything. It is how I begin all my logical reasoning. Yet there are some ideas and ethical certainties that help me along in my quest. Honorable principles of respect and dignity, fairness and equality, caring and sharing are but a few of the foundational floors from which I strive to never go below and instead to begin with my learning. From this point it makes life simple to understand since I must start from who I am and what I eventually want that to be.

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