Monday, May 7, 2012

Who speaks for the poor and uneducated? (#1193)

We all want something for our efforts and that is understandable. When we have made a choice about a particular subject we advance it through communication and action. Which is also well accepted. Yet if we don't have the means to communicate or an audience who will listen, oftentimes we find we become frustrated and give into the hopelessness that lack of a forum or the proper intellect brings. Such is the case for most of the poor and uneducated. Who will speak for them when their interests do not necessarily align with the rest of us who have our own agendas? Perhaps we need to find out. I know I don't do enough for those who are unable to help themselves due to circumstances not entirely of their doing. There are many reasons for why we allow a vast proportion of our American population to become marginalized from birth to death. It is the case that we have come to accept that a percentage of us will be collateral damage at the altar of how we perform and function within our society. We can look backwards and say that we believe things are better than they were 100 years ago or we can console our conscious through the busy application of our own responsibilities, however, truth be told, we only want for ourselves at a much higher priority than we do for others. So who speaks for the others who cannot speak for themselves? What happens to them as the days go by and we don't hear the call for their plight? The Churches of God seem to have put up barriers instead of advancing reforms for more opportunity for those who have little or none. We will always be a disgrace in their eyes and in the children they bring into the world when we don't speak for them.

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