Friday, June 14, 2013

Back to the hard (#1596)

Nothing in life has come easy for me that I can say was truly not earned. I have had to fight and defend that which I have gotten and that is what bothers me. If I am fighting and defending what little comes my way, how much more difficult is it for others who are not as strong as I am going to have anything come and stay their way? It seems like we are all fighting and defending a very limited set of resources while others who have advantages have little to nothing to fight or defend in order to have. It is quite unsettling to me and something must change so that all of our human existences are worthy of being lived out in a better fashion. But even changing life to the better is hard so no difference there. If there is no difference between the hard we live now and the hard it is to change it, then why not fight instead for changing the reality we live in to a reality we want to live in? The hard is still hard but now it will be a value we all can share in. I was reminded of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" in his iconic political insight, "The Republic". Not seeing all there is to see is living a shell of a life and breaking down the barriers to seeing all there is to see must come from within and is hard to decide to do. Nonetheless, it must be done if our souls are to be satisfied with more than, "this is all there is". I refuse to accept the current paradigm of economics ruling our philosophical, social, political, legal and yes, even religious desires. I want more of our nature's true form to entertain us with it's care and curiosity. We are better than what this era of human life is showing and until we can do the hard work to change it, sadly we will leave this mess for our next generations. 

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