Monday, March 23, 2009

Everyday is a surprise (#52)

This morning when I woke up I was astonished that I had to think of where I was at. For a split second I was, and then I recognized things around me. I find that split second to be an insight into how I am within me. Instantly, my ability to know that I exist was present, where, however, came that split second later. During the time that I was aware and realizing where I was is what is now revealed to me in an insight to how I felt, in that split second. I know I was afraid because I felt the fear of vulnerability to no control. I was not too afraid because I immediately set my mind to explore my surroundings. Most times when I wake up its with the awareness of where I am. Not this time. My feeling of being lost and my courage to discover lets me know that the instinct to survive is well with me. How I handled this insignificant split second in time tells me more about myself than any conscious attempt I have ever tried. Everyday will always be a surprise until that day when I don't wake up. It is my hope to make the best of them until then.

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