Monday, March 2, 2009

The force of Valor (#31)

Valor, "the strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness", is a quality to be understood and admired. When I was young and, at times, prone to getting into altercations I would occasionally freeze-up physically due to over-powering fear. Even to the point of backing down like a coward. Shame would then follow me until I readdressed the object or person(s) of my fear. Valor used to be a quality I thought was inherent at birth and was lacking in me. This belief, I used to hold, was wrong and did damage to my self-esteem. Valor is a strength of mind or spirit and both, mind and spirit, can be enlightened by its individual person. Valor is a learned discipline that all person may incorporate into their lives. The strength of mind and spirit are attained through honest, rigorous consistency in defending individual and collective rights to liberty and survival of the life experience. To fight for the good and great of human qualities, through the high principles of honor and nobility with valor, is a path I have learned to find and walk toward. Facing danger or fear through strength is an individual determination. As free individuals we can all determine or own fates.

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