Friday, March 20, 2009

What's Your Vision? (#49)

The view from my head is not just my surrounding environment. It is also with my mind's eye as to how I hope my surrounding environment can become. Literally and hopefully, best describes how my vision works. I won't question why I choose to look at the world through my eyes and my optimistic ethos. It is sufficient for now just to say that is how I roll. What I see is a world struggling against what was and what has yet to become. The old archetypes of mastery for security' sake and profit must begin to diminish to allow for opportunity for all humans to have basic rights for survival and growth. In the paradigm of "all are valuable" we will start to see our futures in respect of the good and greatest attributes in defending the human species' argument for continued existence. I imagine that there is a jury or judge that we must go before to claim our necessity, as a species, in order justify our continued being. This imagined scenario really does help give me guidelines in how I hope humanity will progress forward. My vision for life is grounded in the tradition for always wanting something better for our children than what we had for ourselves.

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