Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Money and/or Progress (#68)

In this present day society of ours it seems that we continually place more value, on the things we should be passing down through the generations, by requiring monetary recompense. Or, in other words, we are increasingly charging money for natural advice. My grandfather used to sit me down and explain how things worked in a way that I was able to accept or reject. I didn't have to pay him for his insights. He felt an obligation to increase my and my other family members' understandings to help us deal with the world in a smarter fashion. I wrote one daily writing in this blog about work several weeks ago and in it I tried to convey the power of acccomplishment. In doing work that creates or maintains the functioning of our society we can feel a sense of worth and gratitude while accepting payment for our maintenance and betterment. Along with that we also have a duty to each other to share natural knowledge about purpose, hygeine, compassion and curiosity. When we talk to each other about what life can and should be like, we then have an opportunity to fulfill the basic human endeavor of shared experiences and shared goals. Shared generational experiences should not have dollar signs attached.

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