Monday, August 17, 2009

The fear of rejection (#199)

The fear of rejection. What a powerful negative emotion. It seems that the fear of rejection has a strong influence in how we allow ourselves to react and to be seen as being. As if our guarded measured attempts will somehow reduce the chances that we are rejected for being our normal selves. It may seem that strategies to be less ourselves and more commonly normal reduce the chances of rejection but the evidence in my life only shows that I have forestalled the rejection. Eventually, time catches up with my clever strategies to appear less myself and then the process of rejection again poses it's outcome. I am very tired of wasting my time trying to be something or someone whom I am not and shall continue to be myself with all the vigor I possess. I find it satisfying that I can now oversee the fear of rejection for what it is. A manifest ego-run to be all things to all people. That will never do and rejection by some will naturally occur because of the diversity we exhibit. Fear can only come into play when logic has not been applied to a certain set of circumstances. Being honest and thinking through my life will allow me the ability to live my life to my most normal self. I don't need to conform to combat rejection, I need to embrace my differences and let the present and the future determine itself.

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