Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Human Experience (#197)

What amazing adaptable creatures we are. How we have come to survive as long as we have so far is a testament to our struggle to surmount any threat to our existence. The awesome raw nature of our planet and the solar consequences that influence the surface of this Earth, combine to limit the type of species that are capable of surviving within it's environment. Of course, this conclusion is based on human thinking with limited human knowledge as to all things possible. However, With what humanity does know, the ability of our human race to continue is remarkable and should be noted as such. I have only written of the external, tangible difficulties. We as a human race are endowed also with a portion of reason that could well have ended in our self-destruction. It would appear that from an overall perspective our inclination toward peace and harmony is stronger than our impulses toward chaos and destruction. We find ways to cope with the things that would depress us from some unfulfilled, imagined, deserve or right. We adapt, from our emotions, from our desires and from our expectations. We are a hearty lot, with an amazing capacity to survive through any and all attacks to our existence. We are a hearty lot indeed.

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