Saturday, October 31, 2009

The magnificence of life (#274)

I was just sitting here meditating on the title of this posting when a dawning of a reality set upon me. I was reminded once again that the peace of this present moment is a gift of amazing proportion. The sensations I am able to enjoy have an artificial atmosphere in which I have a good amount of control over. I am sitting in the high desert, approximately 4300 feet, early in the morning with the outside temperature around 40 degrees. Although the outside cold is near, the inside warmth is surrounding me at a comfortable 70 degrees. I just finished off two very healthy pieces of wheat toast with a few cups of tasty coffee. I am typing on my laptop this posting, which will go over the Internet when I publish it, thoughts I wish to share with any and all of humanity. My appreciation for the most fundamental and bare dirt basics in my life are clear and objective. Thank you life for bringing me to you. It is still real and objective that today someone else is sitting in the high desert in some other part of the world with nothing but the cold outside. I am a realist and shall be a humble one because I recognize that the world is all of us just not only me. Humanity has such a task ahead of itself. Bringing to bear all of our efforts to shape our society toward meaningful birth control with dignity and respect for those who are birthed and live within existence. Birth control sounds so ominous but what I mean to convey is having children, not as chattel or with no thought to how they must live but as a gift to our world that the parents hope to nurture and love. The human experiment will only succeed with the best of our hearts, minds and souls displaying the characteristics of compassion and curiosity and our will to survive.

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