Monday, November 9, 2009

I saw myself and I was not impressed (#283)

I recognized a trait within myself that I expect others to have perfected. What a revelation. I am not able to handle certain situations I expect others to have mastered. Not that they have or have not just that they should have. I am without a doubt a hypocrite if I continue to have these expectations of others. I know that being afraid to speak to truth when it shows itself is something all of us battle with. For me to pick out certain situations and have expectations about them is inconsistent with the principles I hope to reflect. Sometimes an awkwardness envelopes relationships and it is easy or the previous learned behavior to ignore or hide from being honest. Being honest is my only hope to a better life and the sooner I practice honesty in all the circumstances and situations my life presents to me the quicker I will begin to realize my goal of being the best man I can be. Life is hard and making it more confusing is not productive. I know my heart yet at times I still hide from that reality. I am human and given to frailty, but not as an excuse. I will try harder to improve who I am and who I want to be while taking less opportunity to expect out others what they are capable or willing to give.

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