Saturday, November 7, 2009

Letting go of the past (#281)

I am amused at how I am able to come up with this topic for today. I was just contemplating on what my topic should be when I saw a symbol of something that reminded me of my past. A simple object has the power to rekindle memories within me that have been stored away for decades. As in all things in my life the good always comes with a measure of the bad. My memories are no exception. However, the bad is not overwhelming only less than what it should have been. The good is also not overwhelming but it also could have been better. I think at times that the past is a record of who I am but in my reality it is a record of who I am becoming still. The past was the learning curve that has gotten me to the place I am going to today. I don't hold much sentiment or remorse in the actions and thoughts of my past. I only use the past as a reminder and a teaching tool to give myself perspective on the present and possible future circumstances that are and may come my way. Life is hard enough without dragging around the seemingly irrelevant. Where I live is in today and hopefully many more tomorrows. How I am able to take from what was already lived and apply it to what may come is my objective. Certainly reflecting back on the past has some value on my life but not in any sense that predetermines my destiny. The past can only have control over my present and future if I am not willing to live a life of an individual human being with the knowledge of knowing I can shape my life through thought and action determined solely by own hopes and wishes. I don't live in the past, I live right now where I am at at any given moment.

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