Monday, June 7, 2010

Why do I question? (#493)

Nothing is certain except death and yet can death be overcome? We are in the infancy of our maturity as the human species, not all answers are available to us yet. But to find answers we must ask questions. This generation that is alive today is the furthest most intellectual product produced so far. we have the ability to advance our species even further by allowing discussion of what could be and investigating those possibilities. I maintain that our nature is to be curious and compassionate. When we deny these traits we become less of what we are and more chaotic. Following this logic then we need to advance our education for all and research and develop as if that is our only cause. The gathering of information will assist us in our search into the unknown. It is okay to search into the unknown, do not let fear of what we don't know hamper our instinct to know. Remember, questioning is the basis of our will to survive, without curiosity we would not fight to live. Why would we care? Some would argue that curiosity is not required for the will to survive, but what then would the will to survive base it's existence on? It is possible that the existence we inhabit has been distorted so much that we have adapted through necessity a curious nature in order to survive, but that logic has little support in that how could this existence have reformed? My theory of curiosity and compassion as the two fundamental instincts needed for humanity to have it's completeness is still viable to me.

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