Monday, July 12, 2010

Critical thinking (#528)

I will also include this in my continuing series of "Don't be afraid". The reason I do this is because fear leads us to take positions and make statements that affect how we live our lives. I want to make a distinction of definition about some terms I often use. Subjectivity: A personal belief, feeling or opinion expressed in the context of what the speaker believes as fact. Objectivity: What is actually real or a fact. Now let me explain how I see objectivity most of the time. It is as simple as saying I am alive and the air I breathe helps keep me alive. These are true statements of fact, therefore objective thinking. I also use objective thinking to describe my thoughts about not knowing something. Such as I need to keep an open mind. Subjective thinking is more of a personal complexity that is based upon hoped for or faith based options. Remember, subjective thinking may be true, however it is mostly construed with being a best guess or desired opinion. Often, through fear, our society will adopt a comfortable concept of thought and present it to help us deal with our insecurities. The unknown can be overwhelming and in the absence of courage, fear and it's manifestations lead us to more subjective thinking and less objective thinking. I am no pillar of courage but I do know that striving to see the world as it truly is, is better than capitulating to a default position and not allowing my curiosity to flourish and attain it's nature to understand.

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