Saturday, July 10, 2010

Solutions to problems, not cynicism (#526)

Another in the series of "Don't be afraid". I am constantly in conversations with people who have all kinds of problems they rant about. They are so disgusted with events around them and their solution is to throw out the process. I know what they are feeling. It is a sense of hopelessness and anger. It all can be so overwhelming. My take on the troubles we face is a bit different. I see our problems as opportunities for solutions. I steer clear of labeling the process as one thing or another in hopes of creating a divide between us. I would rather define the problem and establish a framework for dealing with it's inherent problems. There is an answer to most every question but are we willing to rise above declaring the problem and using it as a device to establish some other criteria. Each problem has it's own unique nuances and as such needs to examined within the whole of our human needs. If creating a better society is our goal and having that society fortified with egalitarian principles then we all have a stake. If we do not start out with a society that offers all the same opportunities to work, learn and contribute then we will continue into a deepening chaotic existence. Holding onto process' that are incomplete as to total objectivity, relegates our society to division and turmoil. There is hard work to be done to advance solutions to pressing problems but not working toward each solution begs the question why not? We need to be free of ulterior motives and discuss our problems with honesty and logic.

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