Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I must know who I am (#543)

This is my life. I have a finite amount of years to live. I guess saying that I must know who I am is an obvious statement. Certainly the person inside of my body is me, that takes care of the physical part of the statement. But who am I as to the soul part of the statement. Some questions I can ask myself to help me get a clearer understanding of who I am, are; Generally, how do I feel about other people? Do I have a vision of what life should be like? Do I value my heart and my mind equally? What do I think about our planet and the universe? Do I still hope for greater things for all of us? There are a lot of other questions I could ask myself but these are a few. Based upon how I answer these questions I can get a good idea about who I am. Once we have a better understanding of who we are, we are better able to state our ideas about concepts that are constantly being forwarded. I know we are still changing through continuing education and experience but we don't need to take someone else's idea and make it ours. We can add our own ideas based upon how the concepts line up with who we are. As individuals, we are all unique. Although we have many things in common, we are also very different as well. No person is more unique or the same as anyone else. We all have the same great attributes of humanity. All of us are worthy of knowing who we are and letting the rest of us know what we think based upon who we are. We are all leaders. At the very least we lead ourselves.

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