Friday, July 23, 2010

A new day with a fresh outlook (#539)

I could have entitled this hope but it really is more than that. Hope is a vision for something as yet to come to fruition. But in that hoping state is also the time between the hope actually happening and the hope as yet to happen. Confusing? Sounds confusing to me. Anyway, there is a time between and it is in the time between that I find different emotions coursing through me. Some are doubt, some are dreaming as if the hope has already been attained (future-tripping) but most are a sort of limbo where I cautiously plan my day around the hope eventually coming into being. What is the protocol for waiting for a hope to appear? I suppose there is no protocol and the best thing is to forget that I even have a hope and let destiny determine itself. No, that can't be right. I influence fate by my actions so I must need to act in some way that will bring about my hope in the best possible way. I do not know what to do most of the time except for what is right and in front of me. This seems to work but it does not allow me to formulate a strategy for procuring my hoped for event. Maybe that is a good thing that I don't control how my hope should come about. I am at the mercy of other events beyond my control and I have to realize that hope is really a wish and may not be granted. Life really is a funny thing. I can do one thing however and keeping a fresh outlook about what I am doing at every moment is it. Hopefully!

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