Saturday, September 18, 2010

"I think therefore I exist"-Rene Descartes (#596)

"I think therefore I exist". I am mostly satisfied with this theory. I also have senses which also serve to indicate to me that I exist. Based upon the two examples I have noted, I am well convinced that I exist. None of this is normally in dispute but since our world is ever evolving, stating the obvious serves to remind and enlighten where it otherwise could be misconstrued. I am an individual that exists here on this planet with all of the rest of us. We are born, live and die. None of us escape the cycle of life and death. None of us is given anything that would indicate to the rest of us a special dispensation which would make any of us any more unique. My mindset is always set to the fact that whatever this experience is for us, in this existence, is that we all get to experience it together. What do I make of how history has shown what we do to each other in the past? It is a perplexing problem. Each human has, as a birthright, the inalienable nature of individualism. In other words, as a consequence of being born, we are each given the same set of natural rights, our own selves. What we do within ourselves is what we get to choose to do without interference. In respecting how we experience our lives, short of harming others or ourselves, we are beholden to no one. Our lives are real and can be whatever we can make of them. The sanctity of our life and the thoughts and actions we experience, ultimately define how we existed when we were given that chance.

1 comment:

Cacophony-g said...

It is an incredible gift, life. And the birthright that is delivered with it. So horribly sad when those rights are ignored or stolen. But amazing when one embraces their true potential and pushes the bar even higher for the rest of us.