Thursday, October 7, 2010

How I better myself (#615)

It is so much easier for me to know what is wrong with me today than at anytime previously. If I see something that makes me angry or puts me in any kind of negative mood, I know that I have discovered something about me that I need to resolve. What I see outside me that bothers me is inversely proportional to what is inside me that needs to be addressed by me. It is a great way of recognizing the areas in my life that I continually need to grow from. Normally, I would have never come upon this way of thinking except that I have and logically it makes sense. I am involved with a self-help group and more often than not I am usually given the gift of some insight into who and what I am. This is one of those times. It is a simple thought yet so powerfully helpful in making me a better person. I have no problem today admitting that I am wrong. In fact I have no problem admitting that I don't know. If anything, I know today that I know very little. That is fine and well with me. It is honest and a great place to start from. I was under the illusion that I needed to be the wisest man possible, never admitting that I did not know an answer to any question. A psychologically damaging game I was playing with myself. It is amusing now that I feel so compelled to be honest about what I know or don't know. It is a release and a refreshingly soothing way to be. I find a peace about being honest about knowing little and letting people know that is really who I am. I am the guy who needs to know things, not pretend that I already do.

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