Sunday, October 3, 2010

Continue to learn (#611)

There are many words that have many meanings. When conversations get precise knowing the proper words to use becomes vital. Having time to understand language is important. Reading is good practice, especially if the material being read is informational in nature. Academics tend to write informational documents in precise language. Learning new words and what they mean is quite uplifting. I am of the school where now, learning is second nature to me. This world is so vast with perspectives and experiences, there is never going to be enough time to gather all this in. However, I will attempt to anyway. :) Within me is without a doubt a complete understanding that I know very little. Therefore, I have an appetite to learn. It is my curious nature, unrestrained by physical force and unfettered by lack of opportunity. As my time passes on, so does my recognition that I am on the downside of my existence here in this reality. So much to learn so little time. Why is learning important to me? I only know that my nature of curiosity demands it of me and I willingly follow.I don't question why I need to know things, I just quit resisting and started enjoying the new understandings. When I was younger, I did push learning away from me out of some sense that I was still young and wanted to enjoy the life of a young man. I was wrong to do that. I let many years go by being in a state of pleasure instead of a state of humility. I understand completely now how special life is and wanting to understand the specialness of it through thought is much more satisfying than the infrequent self-satisfying endeavors I embarked upon. For the rest of my life it will be curiosity in greater force with the goodwill I can bring to evidence through it.

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