Friday, October 15, 2010

Make-up for Thursday's post #622 (#622)

I was remiss yesterday in filing a post. This happened once before on the third day of the beginning of my blog, February, 2nd, 2009. I will now do what I did then, file a post hours after the 24 hour window. No excuse, well maybe one, I have had a head cold the last several days and that has been distracting. Regardless, here is my make-up post for yesterday. We must never allow ourselves to have our minds so set to an opinion or way of thinking that does not allow us to see what other possibilities may exist. It is a stubbornness that will fail us most assuredly. Think of our experience here in this reality this way, when we were young nothing made much sense and we were open to learning all we could to satisfy our curiosity. Nothing has really changed except time and how we see things. I know of no absolutes. Well, except death and taxes as the saying goes, however, I may have found a way to avoid taxes while we are alive, legally of course and for everyone, so maybe only death as an absolute. Who knows that may even be resolved in some future way. The point is though that everything is capable of changing. I hold a set of values that I operate my life from but the circumstances that life brings has a way of showing me that my values need to be malleable to fit the necessary need. I am not saying that the intent of the values I have, morph into something else, I am saying that no two circumstances have the exact same response based upon my values. I have to be open to the idea that my understandings are but temporary and continually need to be improved upon. "I can never stop learning", is my life long path. I accept that in time of question I go with the best I have but always with the knowledge that the best I have is not the best there is.

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