Saturday, October 9, 2010

Take nothing for granted (#617)

The ease and comfort of assumption and expectation can lull me into a sense of false security in certain areas of my life. Some of the battles and victories I have attained in my personal and private life are not guaranteed for infinity. I must be on guard for their maintenance. It is fallacious thinking on my part to be moving forward without keeping an eye to the past. I must constantly remind myself that this existence is not something I have some great insight into. I have not figured out a process for living and maintaining my life to a certainty. Remaining humble and in awe of all things keeps my mind in the right focus for every day life. My life does consist of the past, present and future. Although the majority of my considerations are spent in the present, where they should be, I must also spend the necessary time looking back into the past as well as being guided by my hopes for the future. Again, I will say this, as in other previous posts, I am not owed anything, I am not deserving of anything. My sense of fairness, although sharp and evolved, carries no weight on the scales of just and right when the whole of the Universe is involved. I keep close to my mind and in my thoughts as well the fact that I am a guest here in existence, my presence is not a reward of some type, my presence is serendipitous at best. I am so truly humbled by my place in time and space with the human form I have, which has the conscious ability to rationalize along with others. How magnificent is life and how precious a gift it is. Take nothing for granted, absolutely!

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