Friday, April 8, 2011

Deep down within me (#798)

Somewhere within me survives an attitude of determination that cannot be squelched. It seems I get enough unhappy or disappointing news to make anyone want to just give up trying and caring. I often feel the temptation to become base and disregard my regard for a better life. It is pessimism at it's greatest force. Somehow though I can find a sliver of optimism that grows into something much bigger. It comes from deep within me where the wrong and unjust cannot reach. the core of my soul is lit and will not be extinguished while I draw breath. I know this about myself and because of that I can always stop myself and reflect on the present and future with an open mindset. I also can plan out ahead somewhat because I know that I have a present and future that will have me in it one hundred percent. The magic of life will always have the best of me and until that day ends I will endure the worst of what can happen. I have my hope as well. Each of us has some type of hope that motivates and drives us toward it. Mine is something very personal to me and if ever attained would bring me much joy and happiness as a reward. I do not know why I have such energy to fight for the best in life but I do and even on darker days I can muster a fist or two. I really like who I am today because I am genuine. I do not face fear the same way any more. I recognize that fear will always be a part of my experience here in existence and facing it and walking through it is all I have to do to conquer it. With the knowledge of my enduring will to continue my path with the best of human principles as my guide, I have the means to not only survive but to effect positive change around me. None of this would exist for me if I had not found that I have a place within me that will not let me quit on life.

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