Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Finding peace within me (#803)

What a long strange trip it has been. I know that I was not raised with peace as the central principle within my life. I was raised in a large family where resources were slim. Competition was my guiding principle. I had to fight for what little there was that I needed or wanted. It is this upbringing now that I survived, which was dicey to say the least, that has been my solid ground to view my life. There was no illusion as to what my choices were as a young child and then teenager. I could have, should have or would have done things differently except that practically, that was no option. How and what I did back then was my reality and I chose the best of it as well as I could. Having said that, my decisions have helped shape me into who I am today. I am a man who could have been like this way back when if my opportunities had been more abundant. Today I fight hard for opportunities for all of us because of what I lived through and experienced. It is not any different whom I fight for as long as the fighting is for more opportunities. No one should have to come into existence with an automatic disadvantage placed on them by us. We are given this existence to make of it something that is worthy of our humanity. It is my contention that as a purpose for all of us is this very ideal of making our world an abundance of opportunity while eliminating inopportune scenarios. What has this to do with finding peace? It is simple in that when we have ways to understand and explore our world and our thoughts within it, without being frustrated by barriers, we elevate to a place of peace that gives us an understanding of the concept of peace and allows us then to build on it. I have found peace despite my own personal struggles and sharing that peace in a way that perpetuates it is one of my ultimate goals.

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