Monday, April 25, 2011

My intent is who I am (#815)

Let there be no doubt. I do not always perform, accomplish or act the way I intend for it to be. That does not change the fact of my intent. I bring this up since it does go to the heart of why I do what I do. I know who I am within me and the outer expression of that is what I try to show. Not always successful but never confuse my reason. That sounds a bit arrogant in that I could be just lying in order to advance some secret ulterior agenda, but it is not what I am doing. My heart would be on my sleeve if I could reasonably leave it there. There is nothing on this planet worth throwing my soul away. I am an idealist in the way of honor. I have found that living at the highest level of truth and noble principle is what I want for myself and anyone else who believes the same. I have tried the other selfish modalities and they left me unsatisfied and disgraced within my soul. Life is about learning and learn I did in this area of who I am and who I want to be. This has always been there for me but apparently in my case I needed to try the wrong stuff in order to gain the perspective of how to do the right stuff. Unfortunately, that has been my road. I am not that person any longer and the person I am becoming is strong of conviction to objectivity and and the curiosity that requires. I am also a human, no different than any other human in the respect to life. I care about us more now than ever before because I get it that we are all the same, separated only by our divisive actions. I care about us as much as I care about myself. In this I have found a calming peace of belonging. My intent is established, I care and I wonder, simple! I know many of you can say the same thing about your intent and who you are and I hope there will be many, many more.

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