Friday, April 1, 2011

Shattering illusions (#791)

The myth that nothing can be done about a thing is slowly being shattered. There are some things which of course cannot be changed, like turning dirt into butter. However we do have the ability to change the status quo of our society by not accepting premises that are fallacious. Often we are told by others that a thing cannot change and acceptance of the not being able to change is the only recourse. Our society has been built on certain assumptions masked in questionable validation and unequal tradition. These are the changes I am referring toward. The concept of maintaining a status quo because of fear associated with change is a well manipulated strategy. Fear is often used to maintain advantages achieved through ulterior or unfair practices. Many of our unnatural instincts such as greed have proven to be huge obstacles to us in attempting to change our society toward egalitarianism. Of course there are those few who do not believe in equality and would continue to classify lives into categories that limited opportunities based upon calculations of inferiority. These few who justify this type of reasoning are the ones who are somewhat successful at stemming the tide of the majority of us who wish to see our society evolve toward respect at a baseline for all of us. How they are able to manipulate through fear is indicative of just how fragile the psyche of most of us are. We would just as soon keep what little limited opportunities we have instead of standing up and demanding a full consensus toward change. As if losing what we have now is not worth the "gamble" it would be to demand a more equitable society. Society is malleable and can be whatever we honestly can envision. For us to be under the illusion that there is only one way for society to function is a greatly perpetrated myth that needs to be exposed for it's illogic and harm.

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