Sunday, April 3, 2011

Unlocking our humanness (#793)

We have to work at being human. It does not just happen while we are busy doing whatever else we think is more important. I have to look within myself and discover what it is about me that defines me. Nothing else! Once I have concluded who I am I then get to implement that ideal within my daily thoughts and actions. It is work to bring about who I am and because I didn't work at it I have become so many other things simply through default and false sense. These behaviours, that are truly not me, have been reflecting back to others the illusion of who I am not for so long that I do not even know I am doing it. That is why I have to work at reflecting out to others the real me. To do that I must know who I am and start to act like that person. Everyday I get closer to being the me I really am but I often lose sight through distraction and laziness. I can do better and I really do try to but I still fail. Not as much as before I made a concerted effort to become my real self but still to some lesser degree. The idea that if we just coast through life we are being who we really are is a lie. Everything about us requires us to fight for our survival, learn to get better and share our feelings whether they are needed or not. Nothing is just natural for humans. We are constantly in a state of change and therefore if we are not in the motion of change we are falling back to something we are not. This is the great work of our lives, to stay ready to acknowledge our unique capabilities to adapt to time as it moves forward. In order to do that we must know who we are and build a foundation around that. That will enable us the strength to recognize change around us and how it affects our core one way or another. We must first define ourselves to ourselves individually and be prepared for any eventuality.

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