Sunday, June 5, 2011

Information concerning our society is the key (#856)

Why do we need to be informed? What information do we need to know? How accurate is the information? It hardly seems worth it to navigate these questions I posed. Isn't it easier to just let our friends and politicians tell us what to do so that we can be focused on other things? Surely that is what is happening now and why we are in such a political/economic/social mess. If you can say that there is not enough time in your day to learn about the society you live in then something is wrong. If you have to work too much and have no time to learn or if you just choose to spend your time on other things instead of learning then that is indicative that our society is not aligned correctly. Our priorities have become skewed. Our society needs to have full citizen participation. We are not children our whole lives who need to be dictated to about what is good for us. We must all input our suggestions about what is good for us. None of us get a pass. It is a requirement of all citizens to be engaged in the democratic process. That includes everyone voting every time there is an election. It amazes me that half of our population will not vote when every decision has an effect on the quality of our lives. The time has come to end passe participation in our society. Once that decision has been made then the process of understanding becomes critical. It can be overwhelming trying to figure out what policies mean to us now and in the future but just learning one thing at a time will eventually make us smarter overall. We must start now and keep learning until we have an idea about what is good for our society based upon our human nature. Defining our human nature is easy, since we get to decide what that is and not what we are told it is. My nature is positive, enlightened through curiosity and compassionate, what is yours? This is where we start!

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