Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why we should be all inclusive (#872)

Integration is the way to improve our society. It helps to add perspectives, yet comprehended, and it shows that we are all capable of providing positive influences. There is a mutual benefit to inclusiveness that builds cohesion within our species to form fundamental ideals about our combined futures. We are stronger together than apart. Although our differences may conflict from time to time they are worth the effort to ameliorate. Our ability to recognize shared respect for each other helps us to listen to others and their truths as well as speak our truths. It is how we are able to improve ourselves and help others improve. I say this about being willing to share ideals with each other as a contrast to what it would be like if we didn't. The chaos of differing values unable to compromise themselves for a greater good would leave less than desirable living conditions for all. We are not the masters of the Universe and as such we should be aware of our need for each other to learn and grow in knowledge. This is the great fact of the human species, we are able to reason out logic and analysis with comprehension. It sets us apart as a species from our other brother and sister animals. As such we should agree to a fundamental duty to build a society that celebrates the individual person as another important life within the community of lives. By including all humans into our society, we encourage participation and involvement in the necessary functions that maintain our existence. Our shared sacrifices and shared visions have a better chance of making great differences for us on whole then if we were to try such actions on our own. When we are all pulling in the same direction, the resistance is minimal and the progression is maximized. A win/win.

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