Friday, June 10, 2011

Keeping a positive outlook (#861)

This is a subject I really work on. It isn't as hard as it used to be for me since I have changed the way I let myself think. Yes, I get to control what I think. I do not get to control what comes into my head but I get to dismiss it immediately if it is negative or wrong. By keeping the positive things in my head and thinking about them, I become positive through that experience. Not all the time but far more now than in the past. Also, a good piece of advice that I use, is to discipline myself to focus on the here and right now instead of letting myself daydream about the past or to future-trip. There are enough individuals in our society who cannot help themselves in being negative doom-sayers. I choose not to be one of those people. My nature is to discover and learn, which being in a positive mode, helps me to be better at it. The other benefit, outside of being pleasant to be around is that I get to experience lots of fun. There is much to be said about having fun and being happy. Life does not seem to be such a toiling, drudging, please don't make me do it thing. lol. Instead it is a pleasure to look forward toward. For me, life is an excitement that elevates my senses. I know that there are many wrong things in the world and I am diligent in my being aware, however, given that I am also in the world, what I reflect out from me is what I can control for the most part. Being positive and living in a positive way, is my contribution to our society and anything more I can add is a bonus. [I get to choose], is a human conceptual reality that has unlimited possibilities to transform into. By choosing to be positive about our world, I get to live a great life and help make our lives together that much better.

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