Friday, June 3, 2011

We must fight to maintain liberty, freedom, equality and justice (#854)

It is right and just to go on offense when defending the concepts of liberty, freedom, equality and justice. There is no dishonor in defeating forces that would take these basic human principles from any of us without our agreeing to it. I mention that as a way to define laws we impose on ourselves to keep society free of intentional harm. I love peace and as such I have had to come to terms with fighting to maintain peace. Peace cannot be achieved by being peaceful only. Unfortunately, there are those who take advantage of goodwill to establish their own distorted sense of governing. It is a duality we must allow within us, to keep the peace we must and will fight. Ironic, isn't it? However, the necessity has been historically shown; and for us to believe we are beyond the reality of our own past is an illusion of failure. Until such time as all of us adhere to equality, freedom, liberty and justice as absolutes, we will continue to need to use force when needed to protect our honored principles. When we see our principles being attacked, in whatever form, we must stop what we are doing and take a stand against it. There is a time for all things and when the defending of our principles is before us we must act to protect them. Fear will visit us when we have to stand up for something, that is a fact. However, not standing up, because of fear, will not only bring more fear it will bring a sense of worthlessness similar to cowardice. The ideal that someone else will take the offensive in defending our principles is wrong-headed as well. All of us who live under the gift of a democracy that values these high principles in it's society, need to know that a duty is owed by all who enjoy it's benefit. The cost of that duty is to take a stand and fight against that which would threaten it.

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