Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The indignation of the ignorant (#985)

Of course I am not immune to the ravings and ramblings of those who see the world through the prism of illogic. We all have our days with those who talk right through us as if we are not even there. Try as I do, I am left with the dissatisfaction that comes with futility. Add on top of that some extra vilification from the illogical ones in the form of sarcastic comments about how irrational I am. Certainly I am wrong many times during the day but not as often as I see some others. I at least can admit my wrongs when confronted with logical premises that cannot be refuted, however I cannot say that for some others I have the unpleasant task of conferring with. It is as if time has suspended logic and some folks have reached a plane of demi-god. Their reasoning cannot be disputed by facts or analogy. I can handle the uninformed mostly, but it is the uniformed who lambast me for reasons they are not able to articulate that get some rise out of me. I am learning to just smile and accept their attack on me as a way of confirming their inability to express their point of view with clarity and let it go at that. However I am still learning to do that and I do have a ways to go. My curiosity helps me to want to understand things in a logical way. I yearn for the obvious arguments that rely on truth and facts. Yet, mostly I get opinion and innuendo as a retort from most of my fellow disagreeing citizens. I want to do what is right with all things that affect us and I am not predisposed to any position in society. I guess that does give me an advantage since I do come to every argument with an open mind. I do start conversations with a point of view but I am not glued to any point of view that can be refuted with logic. It is the extra doses of acrimony aimed at me for even daring to refute long held beliefs. Sorry, I am not changing so get used to it.

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