Monday, November 7, 2011

The sanctity of life (#1011)

In the world we live in today it appears through the evidence, we all live in, that process of society trumps people. We seem to hold greater value in the manipulations of how we do things than in the people who actually perform the process! In other words, process over people. My blog was created so that I could amplify my insight into what the nature of the human being is. The reason for this is to help us understand what we are before we identify how we are going to be. Now, all of the processes for living we have carried forward need to be re-examined to see if they promote the maximum potential for our species to move forward. Just because we are in systems that work reasonably well does not make those systems fair or viable. We need to see the larger picture beyond all of our own lives toward those lives yet born. Our future is our strength as a species and strengthening it to it's best potential is the least we can do. As I continue to set the baseline of compassion, curiosity and the will to survive as our fundamental core, the argument of our future can then come from that genesis. The pure simple truth is if we don't know who we are, we cannot serve our future with it's best chance to survive. This isn't about our individual satisfactions or our differences as viewed by ego, it is about fulfilling our natures natural evolution toward further enlightenment. The curiosity we have and the five senses we use to fulfill our curiosity is indicative of the logic within my notion of what it is to be human. That we care enough to nurture and love is another prime example of our ability to crave emotional sustenance through compassion. That we struggle to overcome, in the face of death, proves our survival instinct. Nothing I offer here is new but that I offer it as our true nature is. To rebut all other expressions of negative nature I assert that the denial of our true natures bring them about. Who we are should determine what we become and starting fresh with this ideal can create new and just paradigms that honor all of us and not just some or most.

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