Saturday, November 5, 2011

We all own the information (#1009)

I find it somewhat troubling that some think that they are the exclusive imaginariums of ideas and concepts that they can copyright or trademark. Now I know we have a system that protects intellectual property but the fact that most all knowledge is handed down from generation to generation somewhat dilutes the claim that any one person is the sole owner of ideas and concepts that spring from the knowledge base. Economics has it's rules and as such the rules have been in place for centuries that differentiate ideas and concepts as property. I am just unsettled by this long standing tradition. Ideas and concepts as property are part of the problem in my view. We all get our "new" ideas off the backs of older ideas that have been generally in society as free to learn. The wedge, like idea or concept ownership, that is acceptable in economics has a direct impact on our actions within our social community. Society is segregated by the principles that operate both economics and religion. I will leave religion out of this for now and focus on how ideas and concepts and their ownership, as to economics, adversely affect the social growth of all of us humans. When we do not share the idea and concepts that naturally follow from advancing logic in areas of the yet discovered, we are disassociating our natural instincts for all to be curious. For the sake of economics this has been an acceptable practice, however, not for the maturation of our species. What is more important, our individual ability to define success as winning at economics, or our society improving in all ways possible? I challenge the very foundations that have shaped our society as being serendipitous and not principled, well thought out processes. To reshape our society as to what it is to be human is not outside our grasp but the longer we keep accepting old unnatural paradigms, the further we get form changing our society for the betterment of generations to follow. Information is for all of us regardless of whether economics says different.

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