Sunday, March 11, 2012

People who don't trust themselves (#1136)

I know this one, it had happened to me. I was afraid that if I gave myself a chance I would become something I was afraid of. I didn't trust my inner core to be me. Well, I have fought that fight and with some humor have realized that it was more fear than reality. I am me and what I hold dear and true in my soul. Nothing can change that is what I found out so I didn't need to be afraid to be curious about the unknown. Not only curious but objective as well. Whenever I let being afraid of something determine what I will do, I take from myself a little bit of who I am and throw it away. It is truly dishonorable to allow fear to dictate what it is to be me. I do have a sense of pride in myself and allowing some obstacle to inhibit me is to deny myself the human right to explore and learn about what this existence is all about. That men just over 500 years ago finally decided it was worth taking a risk and sailing off into what was thought a flat Earth, toward sure death, to prove that maybe the Earth was round and not flat, underscores what I am saying here. Without being able to move beyond what fear can do to us we limit what we perceive as reality. It is the same with me and who I am. If I cannot trust my nature enough to believe that my principles for living are really mine then I have lost what it is to be me. I will never allow myself to go back to those doubting days of mine where life was more theoretical to me than actual reality. If anything can be learned from fear it is that it is a thief and fear will steal from us all who we are in order to conquer our souls and diminish us to plant life, just waiting to be influenced by everything else. I am a human and as such I determine my thoughts and actions as a course of my free will. As such, I am master of all that is me and not one bit less, regardless of fear.

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