Thursday, June 21, 2012

The law of unintended negative consequences (#1238)

Leaders who lack a panoramic foresight will always be at the mercy of this phenomenon. They push through proposals that on the surface seem simple but when applied to our population at large they soon find nothing is simple. Every bit about life is complicated when having to consider the varying and differing perspectives we all share. Yet still there are certain ideologues who cannot see past their own sense of what is right and wrong and will not be persuaded otherwise. Those are the ones who need to be relieved of power over others. There will always be imperfect concepts applied to the general population on whole but trying to alleviate as much as can be known as negative consequences should always be discussed through extensive communications. We here in America are a democracy and as such should practice democratic principles in order to satisfy our founding intentions. Ideologues have other ideas about practicing democracy and that should never be allowed to stand. ideological concepts like decreasing regulations on resources used by all can have a booming economic effect for private enterprise but an adverse and possibly lethal effect on we consumers in the form of bacteria and viral elements infiltrating past a non-existent regulatory process oversight. I use the "free market" example since it seems to be at the forefront of the right wing agenda to inflict a positive for a few at the expense of a devastating negative for the many. Whereas democratic principles are in contradiction since democratic principles underpin the notion that the positive is sought for the many, not just for the few.  

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