Saturday, June 9, 2012

Inside the looking glass (#1226)

If my instincts are right it appears to me that most people do live inside the looking glass. Where nothing really makes sense except that which is right in front of us. Where the big picture or the overview of life is non-existent. A day to day living that only supposes it's reality through the generated perspectives of others. It would be so fortunate for our species if everyone would take the time to read a portion of the the book called "The Republic", written by Plato. The portion I am referencing is called the "Allegory of the Cave". In it is a story of a person who is aware of their encompassed surroundings but questions the surroundings for more. Our subject does eventually climb out of the limited acceptable reality and is rewarded with discovering a new surrounding that housed the older acceptable one. The moral of the story is to question that which is, in order to discover that which hasn't been learned yet. "The Allegory of the Cave" gave me the first real link to my inner self and the curiosity that has always been bubbling just below the surface of my previous, illusory acceptable understanding. I was awakened anew and and given enough knowledge about my world to start to question every acceptable thought and action I previously held. I am an adventurous soul and my life is now focused on that and all that can be gained from it. I do not live in a static state where my every thought and act can be calculated. I am an enigma because I dare to think that my life is about discovery not just acceptance. I not only understand what it is like to live inside the looking glass, but to also understand what it is like to live outside it as well.

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