Friday, September 14, 2012

The male battle with inequality (#1323)

I speak for and against my sex in this post since neither position is absolute. We have a problem, we males, when it comes to power and it's rightful utility. Somehow, because we are generally physically stronger than women, we come to the conclusion that we are the dominant gender of our species. The one obvious wrinkle in this type of logic is that we are born and nurtured from our female species. Despite that obvious contradiction, we males have erroneously decided that, as males we are the kings of the Universe to put it bluntly. A childish concept in that we would all be dead in a generation without the women in our species. Digging deeper though is the concept that men are the protectors and suppliers of the family unit whereas women are the caretakers who are assigned the duties men would not choose to do. An inequality in origin. The old paradigm of man as the king of the castle was sufficient when myth and folklore were the predominant visions of our existence. However, time and space with a mix of logic and technology has effectively displaced myth and folklore as our understanding of existence and with that the roles of men and women have moved toward a more non-generic phase. Certainly women are still the ones who bring children into life but men are not exclusively needed in their traditional roles of protector and supplier, as a rule. Women also have found their physical strengths increasing with effort and freedom. The old ways of man as king is faltering in the face of equality in it's true application. We men continue to battle with the dynamic of women being equal with us and the sooner we men stop fighting this increasingly absurd antiquated notion, the better our lives will be.

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