Monday, April 29, 2013

A civilization without a vision (#1550)

We are this giant lumbering set of processes moving forward into time and space yet the direction we are going is as equally unclear as the processes we have come to utilize. Our society has adopted certain conceptual ideologies as sustainable without understanding the real life ramifications of moving toward a goal. The problem is, is that we have no clearly defined goal or end game for our structured society. We are just moving along with some hope of doing our part in the continually incomprehensible whirligig of outcomes. I can actually look back in time and see that despite all of our innovation and technological advances, we have not changed the general dynamic of how we understand a purpose for our civilization. I suppose there is some solace in the idea that the status quo of not destroying ourselves completely is a comfort. Yet we are no further away from that possibility than we were 60 years ago. Instead of addressing root problems of inequality, injustice and the lack of many who have little to no freedom, we choose to ignore those symptoms in lieu of our own personal well being. There is nothing wrong with caring about one's own well being, however that is foundational and everything from that is to what I am referring. Instead of stopping at collecting and harboring, we should remind ourselves that we enter this existence with nothing, and we leave this existence with nothing. Why should we spend our time here working against that dynamic? It seems to me that the best way to overhaul a broken society is to recognize where we are different and work to make those differences less harmful.

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