Sunday, April 21, 2013

The context of intent is where the value is (#1542)

Too often words and quotes from historical figures are used to make a point in today's political dynamic. However, just as often those words and quotes are not accurately qualified as to their meaning in the time they were given and instead are morphed into today's perspectives, by unethical souls, that are antithetical to their true intent. I have seen it enough to know the danger it poses as too many less articulate souls who are manipulated into positions that are actually contrary to their own principles and understandings. The sad thing is that there is a concerted effort by nefarious individuals to confuse and present chaos as a symptom in order to present their necessary harmful solutions. Greed and selfishness motivates these individuals and the freedoms we have that should be focused on doing good are irrevocably aimed to destroy safeguards we establish to protect us from their ulterior harm. Like the addict who cannot ever have enough of his magical elixir, good seeking souls are continually bombarded with tunnel vision of sick and demented souls. There is no easy solution to finding ones way through the minefield of manipulation, however with some hard work and research, the path does show itself. Particularly, like the addict, the confusion is only surface deep and once you peel that initial layer back, the jig is up for most every dealer of misinformation and harm. We are all capable of great things in our own particular ways and for that we are sufficiently protected from being just automatons to the whims of the master puppeteers. yet we must remain vigilant and protect ourselves and those around us with as much honorable principle and logical reasoning we can muster. Remember, it is our intent that drives us forward and if our intent is of value, it will take us far into the better and best.

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